Waterproof painting

Waterproofing is the process by which a building is protected against the water and moisture invasion.

Exterior waterproofing treatments are suitable and required for areas with high humidity and rainfall. It prevents moisture buildup on the walls. If the externals are not waterproofed properly, it also eventually affects the interiors because of continuous seepage and leakage.

Ideally, waterproofing is done at the time of constructing the house through concrete and metal. But if you have already built the house, the next best thing you can do is to look for the treatments to stop water and moisture entry through walls, such as impervious paints or coatings.


That’s where we come to picture! XYZ Painting provides complete waterproofing solution to your exteriors by using quick to apply and easily drying coatings. After all, it is our responsibility also to make your house look beautiful and fresh for many years.

We also provide all types of wall membranes, ranging from primers to silicate-based sealers and waterproofing paints.

Monsoons Do Not Always Bring Happiness!

During the monsoon, it is highly needed to defend the exteriors from rain and moisture. Again, a safe exterior means a safe interior. Not just rains, but other extreme climatic conditions like high heat can create cracks on the building, which in turn lead to seepage.

XYZ Painting solutions provide outstanding waterproofing services. We use premium quality waterproofing coating material.

Not only the exteriors, we also provide you waterproof interior paintings – the ones which you can clean and wash easily! No worries of stains and marks anymore!


Reach us today for the right consultation about

waterproof interior paints, and exterior waterproofing solutions.

We value your association!